Initial Consultation
Before your initial consultation, you will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire which asks for information about your current health, medical history, diet and lifestyle.
During the initial nutritional therapy consultation, you will be asked detailed questions about your current health concerns, symptoms, family history, lifestyle, medications, psychological and emotional factors, habits and stress levels. These are just some of the many factors that will be discussed in depth. I will identify the antecedents, triggers and mediators which may have led to biochemical imbalances in your body and you will be given an explanation of dietary and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your symptoms. I will evaluate your individual needs in order to develop with you a personalised nutrition and lifestyle programme which fits in with your lifestyle and helps you achieve your own personal health goals. This session lasts up to 90 minutes and costs £140. A written report of personalised recommendations and diet plans will be sent to you after the session.

Follow-up Consultations
Follow-up nutritional therapy consultations are recommended to review progress and check the compatibility of the programme with your lifestyle, help with any difficulties and give you further recommendations. These sessions last up to 1 hour and cost £90. A written report of any adjustments to your programme will be sent to you after the session. Some people may only need two consultations, while others, who have more deep-seated issues, may feel the need to come back more often in order to achieve their health goals.

Supplements & Clinical Tests
Supplements may be recommended as part of your intervention. These will be tailored to your specific needs and a check will be made for any potential drug-nutrient interactions with any medications you are on. Supplements are available from recommended companies at additional charge.
Clinical tests may be recommended in order to identify a biochemical imbalance and enable a more targeted and individualised nutrition programme to be devised. Should you decide to proceed with these they will carry an additional charge. Interpretation of tests is included in the consultation service.
Important to note
Nutritional therapy is not intended to replace the relationship with your primary health care provider. You should always consult your GP if you require medical attention or have symptoms that are causing concern. I will communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in your care to explain any nutritional therapy programme that has been provided. In the interests of your safety, you will be required to sign my Terms of Agreement.