You can't believe everything you read!
Food is always in the news. One day wholemeal bread is good for you and the next it's going to give you heart disease. Every day there is a different headline about an innocent item of food - what are we to believe?

Well the researchers have found the same thing - in fact, they did a study on the quality of nutrition coverage in five national newspapers for 6 weeks in 2014. The study has just been published in the British Medical Journal and the researchers concluded that the British public are exposed to a very poor quality of nutrition information in the newspapers, particularly regarding weight management and obesity.
It's no wonder then that we receive so much inconsistent information and mixed messages - and that we are so confused!
When reading nutritional advice, first of all check it's from a reliable source. Is the person giving the advice qualified to do so? Has the journalist interviewed a registered nutrition or medical professional? Have they stated their sources? Even scientific journals sometimes publish research which is of dubious quality, so unless you know how to critically evaluate a scientific paper, it is best to ask a professional.