What am I eating this week?
Many people tell me they don't have time to cook healthily, so I wanted to show you a meal I cooked this week when I got home from work at 6pm.

From top left (going clockwise): chicken shwarma, humus, cabbage salad, sautéed carrots, green salad, sautéed mushrooms, and in the centre is beetroot and carrot salad. This meal was put on the table at 7pm!!!
Here's what to do:
6.15pm: Turn the oven on to 180ºC.
Prepare chicken shwarma - take 8 chicken thigh fillets and marinade with za'atar and lemon juice. Place in an ovenproof dish.
6.20pm: Dice 10 carrots, and sauté in a little olive oil in a pan.
6.30pm: Wash and chop half a white cabbage. Sprinkle with mixed seeds, and dress with 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.
6.35pm: Make green salad with a small lettuce, half a cucumber, 2 tomatoes and parsley. Dress with 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp lemon juice.
Put chicken in the oven.
6.40pm: Grate 3 small beetroots and 2 small carrots. Pour over 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp maple syrup and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
To the pan of carrots, add a tin of chopped tomatoes and shwarma spice. Cover and carry on cooking.
6.45pm: Blend a tin of chickpeas with 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 2 bsp tahini and enough water to get the right consistency. Sprinkle with chopped chives.
6.50pm: Chop mushrooms and sauté until soft.
At 7pm, put everything on the table and tell your hungry family to tuck in!
Not only is this meal a feast for the eyes, everyone enjoyed it and felt full afterwards! There are also 7 different vegetables in this meal, protein from the chicken and chickpeas, fat from olive oil, seeds and chicken, and countless vitamins and minerals from the variety of herbs, spices, seeds, vegetables and seasonings. The root vegetables (carrot and beetroot) provided complex carbohydrates and were very filling.
This meal looks like someone has spent hours in the kitchen, but it really did not take very long at all.